A little Arctic Adventure

Sitting on the Inlandsbanan somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Swedish Lapland and heading south, I am saving my legs a good thousand kilometers of riding through forest and wilderness. A pity perhaps, but sometimes time, although elastic, is of the essence and choices have to be made. But let me start at theContinue reading “A little Arctic Adventure”

Happy Birthday Bicycle!

Happy Birthday, dear Bicycle! 200 years! That’s quite a feat, yet you seem to be as young and sprightly as ever; aging well and always open to change and improvement… I’ll never forget the day we met for the first time. I had seen you before, but when you knocked on our door on myContinue reading “Happy Birthday Bicycle!”

Finally done and dusted…

Peppertreechronicles proudly presents: The HEALING RHINOS AND OTHER SOULS audiobook! Experiment/adventure/challenge #1 for this year has been concluded! And after much sweat and tears this labour of love is ready to hit the shelves… Hardcopies are 100% locally produced and available on CD in MP3 or Audio-Format. To make the 2 MP3-CDs presentable was relativelyContinue reading “Finally done and dusted…”